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A Night At The Docks

This is one of my favourite pieces. This came about because my partner, Colin came home from work one night and I was drawing a boat. He mentioned that a co-worker, Paul Frazer (Twiggy) had taken a really great photo down at the docks in the middle of the night. Twiggy sent us the photo and Colin was right it was a great photo. I started immediately working on recreating this photo. It was really great getting my teeth into a new project. My main concern was that I wouldn't do the photo justice because the photo was so good. I worked on it day and night and it was a great distraction from my chemo. When my picture was finished and back from the printers Colin arranged for Twiggy (also receiving chemo) to call into work where the team presented him with a framed copy of my print and he was delighted with it. Sometimes its the small things that make all the difference - a smile, a kind word or someone seeing your potential and just giving you that wee bit of encouragement.

This is one of my favourite pieces.

This came about because my partner, Colin came home from work one night and I was drawing a boat. 

He mentioned that a co-worker, Paul Frazer (Twiggy) had taken a really great photo down at the docks in the middle of the night. 

Twiggy sent us the photo and Colin was right it was a great photo.  I started immediately working on recreating this photo.  

It was really great getting my teeth into a new project.  My main concern was that I wouldn't do the photo justice because the photo was so good.

I worked on it day and night and it was a great distraction from my chemo.  When my picture was finished and back from the printers Colin arranged for Twiggy (also receiving chemo) to call into work where the team presented him with a framed copy of my print and he was delighted with it.

Sometimes its the small things that make all the difference - a smile, a kind word or someone seeing your potential and just giving you that wee bit of encouragement.